Vacuum Pump MES 70/6E2 (Used)

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893 EUR
Description and characteristics

Vacuum pump MES 70/6E2 (used)

A supply voltage of 12...15 volts DC is required, which is continuously supplied directly to the pump, no external switches are required. The vacuum level and hysteresis are not user adjustable and are set at the factory to restore the standard vacuum level for which conventional vacuum-assisted brakes in conventional vehicles are designed. These pumps can also easily replace the vacuum source in conventional vehicles if the OEM vacuum pump or intake system stops functioning. The vacuum booster tank reduces the frequency of on and off, but is not required for proper operation and does not affect the wear or life of the pump. Without the tank, the pump will likely bleed air every time the brakes are applied, but this will not affect brake performance. Additional connection connector included. 1 year warranty.

Technical characteristics:

-Номінальна напруга: 12 В постійного струму.
-Максимальний струм < 5 A
-Час до -0,5 бар (у бустерному баку об'ємом 2 літри): < 6 сек
-Попередньо встановлений вакуум: -0,65 бар
-Гістерезис реле мінімального тиску: 0,05 бар
-Рівень шуму: < 58 дБА
-Розміри: 190 мм x 190 мм x 118 мм
-Вага: 1,4 кг

Integrated absolute pressure vacuum switch; switch bypass diagnostic mode

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  • Warranty 6 months
  • Return and exchange of goods within 14 days
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